This page is a special page dedicated to allowing Patrick Usunzineza to thank Larry Wallace and the other cyclists who have supported Patrick and his teammates here in Rwanda.

For more examples of my work please follow the links above.



Letter of thanks from Patrick - translated from Kinyarwanda

Usanzineza Claude (Patrick)

Kigali - Rwanda

Dear Larry,

First I great you and wish you peace. How are you? How is Canada? I would like to tell you that I am very happy with all the gifts you sent to me. I thank you so much. Please send my greeting to your team. Tell them that I love them and that all the items they sent to me are very nice. My team members and I are really thankful and happy. Now I am committed to do more exercises and train harder toward my goal of being part of the national team. I think once I am there, I will get a chance to go outside of the country and lean more experience.

Let me end my letter here by saying thank you from the deep of my heart. May God bless you in all your work.

Yours faithfully,

Usanzineza Claude

A small note from myself and Erica

Dear Larry and those who came together to support Patrick's cycle team.

Erica and I just wanted to say a simple thank you to each of you for sharing your passion for cycling, your equipment and your jerseys with Patrick, Jean Claude, Laurin and their teammates.

We have been living and working in Rwanda for almost two years now and your act of gathering this equipment together was, and likely will remain, one of the most fun experiences we've had. It didn't involve a large budget, "capacity building" or a WASH program, and it most certainly will not involve any donor reporting. Well, at least not beyond these images and letters. :) Yet, it was one of the most well genuine and well received exchanges between two groups of individuals that we've seen to date.

Please know that you have been a part of something awesome and that Patrick and his teammates are eager to keep up the relationship with all of you. We will continue to keep you up to date on the team's progress, training and successes.

Thank so very much for allowing us to be a part of it.


William and Erica

Selected photographs from our video shoot and handing over of the gear.

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